
3 Types of Cancer Testing & Its Significance to Treatment

Tumour biomarkers are biological indicators of gene, RNA or DNA mutations. Understanding the features of a tumour through biomarker testing enables doctors to tailor treatment to a particular malignancy. Biomarkers are substances the body or a tumour produces in reaction to cancer cells. The use of biomarkers in cancer treatment has transformed the treatment of several forms of cancer.

Testing Cancer Tumours for Biomarkers

Biomarker testing can be performed before, during, or after a cancer diagnosis. Some biomarker studies, such as genetic testing for hereditary breast cancer mutations, are frequently done as part of the initial diagnosis. Molecular or genetic cancer testing examines genes or DNA in your cells to determine whether a specific biomarker is in cancer. If molecular testing finds a biomarker in cancer cells, it can assist in describing the unique characteristics of your tumour. Understanding the biomarkers in the cancer cells may help you obtain the best treatment available today.

Your oncologist may order one of the following three cancer cell or tumor profiling test options.


Cytogenetic tests seek structural changes in your chromosomes that may indicate malignancy. This cancer testing procedure can use blood cells and other tissues, such as bone marrow, to count chromosomes. Distinct alteration in the chromosome marks some malignancies.


Molecular testing of our genes, which are within your chromosomes, seeks biomarkers such as additional copies, missing genes, or wrongly arranged genes. These are also known as duplicated or amplified, deleted and translocated genes. Gene biomarker testing can also check for alterations or mutations. It typically uses tissue samples or a biopsy.


Physicians may choose a biochemical cell or tumor profiling test to detect aberrant proteins. When genes mutate, the lab can use the proteins as biomarkers. A test can screen for either the HER1 gene or the HER2 protein. Other biochemical tests check for the influence of therapy on cancer to see whether it responds to treatment.

The Role of Guardant Health in Cancer Treatment

Guardant Health AMEA aims to address the rising cancer burden in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. Clinicians and patients must have access to complete genetic information on the disease to choose the appropriate therapy. The blood tests Guardant Health conducts now allow for the prompt selection of cancer therapy for patients. It also enhances programmes for recurrence detection and early cancer diagnosis. Furthermore, they collaborate with pharmaceutical firms to uncover and comprehend innovative therapeutic techniques that result in better patient results. Visit Guardant Health’s website to learn more about them and their tests, like a colon cancer test.

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