Sleep apnea is a condition where the airways are blocked or narrowed during sleep, causing breathing to be interrupted. It is the leading cause of severe physical and mental issues in many parts of the world, including Surprise, Arizona. Those who suffer from it are often chronically tired, have trouble concentrating on tasks, have mood swings, and may even gain weight due to insufficient sleep. Sleep apnea also increases your risk of heart disease because it affects blood pressure levels throughout the day. Below are some lifestyle changes you can make that will help keep this disorder at bay. First, seek guidance from a specialist in sleep apnea in Surprise, AZ.
Proper Weight Management
Being overweight can cause sleep apnea. If you’re overweight, losing some pounds will help reduce sleep apnea symptoms. This doesn’t necessarily mean that weight loss is a guaranteed cure for sufferers, but it can help prevent further complications.
Before starting any significant dietary changes or committing to an exercise plan, be sure to consult your physician. You can also sleep on your side, rather than your back, to reduce the severity of symptoms.
Getting Regular Exercise
Many people with sleep apnea are overweight due to lack of exercise and poor eating habits. If they begin an exercise program and manage their diet well, many can see significant improvement in their symptoms. This is because weight loss can often relieve sleep apnea symptoms, so taking good care of your body will help you look better and feel better.
Motivating yourself to exercise regularly can be challenging at first, but it becomes easier over time. Plus, exercising with sleep apnea means that you’ll have more energy since your body is getting enough rest.
Avoiding Alcohol And Drugs
Quitting will do wonders for your sleep apnea symptoms if you’re a smoker. Nicotine is known to dry out the throat, increasing the severity of symptoms. Alcohol can relax the muscles in the throat and cause the airways to narrow, making it even harder to breathe when sleeping. Even though it may be tough to quit cold turkey, working with your doctor or even using nicotine gum to help get through the worst of the cravings is often beneficial
Quitting smoking will not only lessen your sleep apnea symptoms, but it has many other benefits as well. If you drink alcohol, cutting back on how much you consume will not only improve your sleep apnea but will help you benefit from all the positive effects of alcohol.
Attain Proper Sleep Pattern
If you’re having trouble sleeping at night, consider taking some time to relax before bed. Try doing some meditation or yoga, for example. Avoid giving yourself too much caffeine during the day if you have sleep apnea because it can make it harder to fall asleep at night.
Limit your alcohol intake and avoid heavy meals right before turning in for the night. Your sleep environment should be comfortable and cozy, so try to make sure you’re sleeping in a peaceful setting with the right temperature to help lull you into a restful state of mind.
If you’re looking for ways to help keep sleep apnea at bay, there are a few lifestyle changes you can make. Being proactive and making healthy choices like adequately managing your weight, getting regular exercise, avoiding alcohol and drugs, and attaining a good sleep pattern can help lessen the severity of symptoms associated with sleep apnea. It’s essential to consult with your doctor before starting any new routine to get professional advice on what will work best for you.