Do your feet hurt? Injuries, conditions such as arthritis and diabetes, occupational hazards, weight, age, and genetics, can hurt your feet. It might hurt to the extent that navigating activities of daily living is hardly possible. Kids foot care Fort Worth can help your young one deal with the pain and discomfort and furnish you with measures to facilitate their healthier development. Inserts and orthotics are the top discussion points when dealing with foot pain. Here is a glance at what they are and how they help manage foot pain.
Inserts are a go-to for many people, an over-the-counter solution that cushions and supports your feet. You don’t need a prescription to buy inserts. They are typically made from plastic, gel, or foam. Inserts fit in your shoes to deliver arch support and cushion your heel, around the toes, or the whole foot.
Inserts can help relieve foot, ankle, and leg pain as you stand, walk or run. While they make your feet more comfortable, they are not custom-made. This means that they are not designed to aid in correcting any foot problems. Nonetheless, inserts can help care for your foot better, improve performance, facilitate healthier movement, and keep conditions at bay.
Orthotics is a prescription medical device. They are custom-designed, meaning they target to correct certain conditions. They correct biomechanical foot problems like how you stand, walk, and run. Orthotics are great at managing foot issues caused by medical conditions like arthritis, diabetes, and plantar fasciitis, to mention a few. Apart from correcting the foot problem, they also alleviate pain and discomfort. Orthotics can even help you avoid surgery in certain situations, making them a great solution.
Orthotics prescription
Your podiatrist will watch and examine your feet, including how the ankles, hips, and legs move as you walk. Modern doctors take 3D images for a thorough examination. After examination and establishing that you need orthotics, they will create precise mol of the feet. This ensures that you get the right fit to facilitate comfort as the orthotics help shape and correct the foot problem. Once the mold is ready, it is turned into soft or rigid orthotics.
Soft orthotics: Also known as accommodative orthotics, they feature soft compression material that cushions the feet by taking the pressure off the sore/uncomfortable spot. They are ideal for managing foot problems stemming from conditions such as diabetic foot ulcers. In most cases, wearing soft orthotics requires prescription footwear since they are bulk.
Rigid orthotics: Also known as functional orthotics, they usually are made from carbon fiber or plastic. They are ideal for managing strains and aches in the lower back, thigh, and legs that stem from your foot not working as it should.
You could also get specialized orthotics following your condition, such as for sporting equipment. While orthotics cost a little more than inserts, you get custom-made solutions geared towards your problem. For all your feet-related concerns and product, call or visit Trinity Foot & Ankle Specialists today.