Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is used for many therapeutic purpose and is used for treating a long list of ailments and diseases. Choosing the best PRP preparation system can be overwhelming as it involves a lot of research and concerns. Each system has its unique feature and certain factors work well in comparing the PRP systems.
In PRP therapy, the platelet-rich plasma is produced from the autologous blood using PRP tubes. It is then applied to the area of treatment through an injection. Since platelets are from the patient’s own body, this therapy has extreme healing powers. You can buy PRP tubes from which is the website of Dr. Renat Akhmerov’s Plasmolifting Technologies. They deal in all kinds of equipment that are needed for PRP therapy like needles, syringes, vacutainer. The PRP tubes are used effectively for producing platelet-rich plasma.
Factors for measuring the effectiveness of PRP preparation
PRP is said to be effective for various orthopaedic treatments. There have been four factors identified that can improve the effectiveness of PRP.
- Minimum number of red blood cells or RBCs
- Minimum number of neutrophils
- Maximum number of monocytes
- Maximum number of lymphocytes
This is the most effective formulation of PRP, but many PRP systems fall short of these requirements.
How to use it?
Many PRP systems are easy to use but still, you need practice and training for each process.
- Blood is to be drawn
- It is then to be handled for centrifugation
- PRP needs to be collected after the spinning procedure
There are, however, a few challenges and a few tips that will help you consider the best PRP system.
- As it sounds, a completely automated system is not completely automated. It involves some manual work too and the step takes more than 10 minutes.
- Some PRP systems require transferring the blood from one container to another several times before the PRP is ready.
- This takes time and also reduces the platelet count
- It also increases the risk of bacterial contamination and needle stick injury
- Few systems need two separate spins which increases the preparation time
- The best method for collecting blood is with vacutainers. Due to this many phlebotomists prefer a kit with a vacutainer for collecting the blood in place of a syringe.
Determining cost-effectiveness
- An easy way to choose between PRP systems is how cost-effective is the kit
- Both the initial up-front cost that includes blood centrifugation and the pre-treatment cost of the disposable kit need to be considered
- If the kit is complete or some supplies are needed outside the kit
- A less priced kit can be more expensive in the long run if it is complicated or requires more physician time
- Measure what is the profit generated by the PRP treatment in an hour for determining the best PRP system.
Your task of selecting a good PRP system becomes fruitful if you choose one that is easy to use, clinically, and cost-effective. They can then be successfully applied in various medical fields.