A new orthodontic technique called Invisalign uses clear, flexible, and pleasant brackets and wires to gradually straighten teeth. Utilizing specialized computer software, each patient receives a unique set of invisible orthodontic plates. Every two to three months, these clear plaques are replaced, gradually repositioning the teeth. For easy brushing and eating, plaque can be readily eliminated from the mouth.
Elaine Technology created the Invisalign braces, often known as invisible orthodontics, in 1999. As a dentist performing Invisalign in Toronto says, the teeth are gradually moved to the proper position by invisible, clear plastic plates that are part of movable orthodontic tools. Due to the availability of removable plates with a thickness of less than one millimeter, Invisalign is currently a leading and well-known brand in the field of dental orthodontic devices. These plaques are thought to be a more ideal solution for addressing small imperfections and realigning teeth because they are far more attractive than braces comprised of wires and brackets.
Who Is a Good Candidate for Invisalign?
Adults and adolescents with all of their permanent teeth can now benefit from adopting invisible orthodontics. For the therapy to be successful, the patient must be dedicated to it and follow the dentist’s instructions regarding the use of transparent plaques, their duration, correct care, adhering to dietary restrictions, and dental visits. For instance, to prevent staining the plastic, the dentist can suggest the patient to drink only water while still having plaque in his mouth. Treatment success is sustained if the patient follows the specialists advise.
What Conditions Are Treated with Invisible Orthodontics?
The following conditions are addressed with invisible orthodontics:
Overcrowded teeth:
In this situation, the jaw does not have enough room for all the teeth to be positioned correctly without overlapping or tilting. One to five millimeters of overlap may be removed using the invisible orthodontic technique.
Large space between teeth:
On occasion, the space between teeth is quite wide because of irregular jaw growth or teeth shifting because of missing teeth. One to five millimeters of space can be adjusted with invisible orthodontics.
In this case, the upper teeth are placed in front of the lower teeth.
When the upper and lower jaws are not in line, one or more upper jaw teeth that are in the front or side of the mouth are placed behind the lower teeth.
Partial reversion to the pre-treatment condition:
The teeth may partially revert to their pre-treatment state when the duration of routine dental orthodontics is over. Sometimes it’s thought that Invisalign braces may work well to correct simple malocclusions (bite problems).
Benefits of Transparent Movable Plates for Orthodontics
For most patients, the most appealing aspect of invisible orthodontics is that the treatment is typically not noticed by others because the plaques are essentially invisible. The following benefits also apply to this well-liked process, therefore Invisalign is not the only benefit.
- The removable, eat-through invisible orthodontic plates can be taken off.
- Because they can be taken out of the mouth, plaques are simple to remove, making it simpler to brush and floss.
- Due to the lack of wires and the fact that Invisalign brackets and plates are made of plastic rather than metal, they are more pleasant than traditional braces.
- The ability to simply remove the plaque for special events like weddings, family portraits, and crucial business meetings means that invisible orthodontics does not disrupt regular life.
- The majority of tooth alignment issues are successfully resolved using invisible orthodontics.