Health Drinks Pregnancy

Were you aware of the best protein powder during pregnancy?

protein powder during pregnancy

Protein powder is a popular health supplement used by gym-going people and athletes. Pregnant women can use protein powder as a dietary supplement, which gives them the adequate protein needed. There are many protein powder brands in the market, and choosing one of them can prove to be a mind-boggling task. Here is the list of the best protein powders, keeping in mind the diet chart of pregnant women.

It is recommended to consult your gynaecologist before consumption of any protein powder.

  • Horlicks Mother’s Plus – Horlicks Mother’s Plus is one of the best protein powders for pregnant women. It is a scientifically formulated nutritional supplement for pregnant and lactating women. It contains 25 essential nutrients, providing nutrition for mothers and helping babies grow. It provides 100% RDA of vitamin B2, B12, and C during pregnancy and 100% RDA of folic acid and iron during lactation.
  • Protinex Mama – Protinex Mama is a completely vegetarian protein powder. It is rich in protein and 11 Immuno nutrients, that help in meeting the increased nutritional needs of moms-to-be. It contains soy protein and milk protein.
  • SimMom IQ+ During Pregnancy – SimMom IQ+ is a wholesome supplement with nutrients like DHA, protein, iodine, choline, iron, and zinc, essential for the fetus’ healthy brain development. It has brain nutrients & high-quality protein that helps in your fetal brain development and healthy birthing. It helps in healthy weight gain as it is low in fat and sugar.
  • Develo Pregnancy Protein Health and Nutrition Drink – Develo Nutrition drink comes inclusive of the notable micronutrients that have vitamin B2, B12, and C. It helps the baby gain weight. Folic acid promotes spinal growth, and proteins help form fetal tissues. This nutritional drink also has the ability to supply protein, calcium and energy to the nursing mother.

Having proper nutritional intake during pregnancy is crucial for the baby’s development. With 70 % of the baby’s brain developing during pregnancy, adding protein powder to your diet during pregnancy would be a wise decision indeed.

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